UHIMWE Alliance

(412) 218-6999


About The U.HIM.WE. Alliance 

The UHIMWE Alliance was established in 2015 by a group of same gender loving African American and Hispanic men who’s mission is to mentor and secure resources that ensure access to the highest quality, comprehensive and coordinated health and socio-cultural development services to improve the physical, mental and developmental health of LGBTQ Black and Hispanic men and women in Southwestern Pennsylvania.  In accordance with the mission of One Church, UHIMWE is a sanctuary and safety net organization for the LGBTQ community in Southwestern Pennsylvania.

UHIMWE is proposing to address the epidemic health and development disparities in young Black and Hispanic men who have sex with men (YBHMSM) and young Black and Hispanic transgender women (YBHTW) with the implementation of the THRIVE program.   The THRIVE program is a multi-disciplinary arts and developmental asset building education intervention model that focuses on HIV prevention, testing, linkage to care, social development, social service provision, and behavioral/mental health treatment and nurturing for YBHMSM and YBHTW in metropolitan Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.  The Program will be housed at the UHIMWE Community Center in the proposed facility at 900 Fifth Avenue in the uptown area of Pittsburgh.  It will serve as an extended hours safe harbor recreation center for the target population.

As a result, the UHIMWE Steering Committee created the following mission statement:

We are a group of brothers of African descent and their allies working together to make it better for our brothers in pursuit of their Future Selves. Our Vision is to offer safe environments for social, cultural and artistic opportunities that promote and advocate wellness, education and positive visibility for SGL men.